Lets Secure & Optimize your Website



Accelerate & protect cloud applications

Security - CloudFlare
Performance - CloudFlare
Analytics - CloudFlare


Caching and CDN

We can set up browser caching plugins for you that will speed up your site for revisiting users. A CDN (content delivery network) will make your site faster by reducing the geographical distance your content has to travel, which will result in better page speeds.


Image Optimization

We will perform lossless image compression so your images will retain the quality but reduce notably in size. We’ll also set up lazy loading so images load only once the user scrolls down. This saves bandwidth and storage space and helps improve page speed, and in the end, decreases the costs of running your site.


Site Firewall

Maximize the security of your websites

DDoS Protectio
Malware Scan and Removal
Bots activation


Minifying Resources

We will reduce the size of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to make your site load faster. We will also make JavaScript files load later, to lower the initial load time of your pages. However, it’s all about balance – we will never compromise on stability in favor of increased speed.


Database Optimization

Every piece of information that goes through your website ends up in its database. The database can become cluttered and sooner rather than later it will impact the performance of your site. At FixRunner, we can optimize and clean up your website’s database, making it faster than ever before.

Why Work With Us

In this era of globalization, the online market has set a new trend of conducting business, building relationships, communicating, and doing marketing of your product and services. Title Tronix aims to help you stay competitive in this emerging scenario of online market. Our developed websites and their attractive designs enable our clients to stand out in the market and grab the attention of your prospective clients.

My business point of view is very simple if you worked with me honestly and delivery of work should be in time. I have considered Optmiserz on that criteria and they secure and optimized my website speed
Uzair Umar
CEO, Marve Travels

Have Any Questions? Call Us Today!

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